Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tri for Triumph: Reason to Race #11

Reason to Race #11: To Get Outside!

My reason to race #11 coincides with the first day of spring when life is abuzz, not through the power of electricity but through the beauty of nature. We live in such a tech-enriched world, where the wonders of human innovation abound. Yet, the most amazing transformations and intricacies of machinery exist in nature, where they always have. To balance my techie, connect lifestyle, I find myself constantly searching for everything in its natural state. So, excuse me while I get outside! I'll leave you with some shots from my run around the Stanford Dish yesterday and this poem by Marcie Hans which always causes me to reflect. If you'd like to donate to my race cause, Scholarship America, please contribute here and thank you for the ongoing support and encouragement!


by a million
wings of fire-
the rocket tore a tunnel
through the sky-
and everybody cheered.
only by a thought from God-
the seedling
urged its way
through thicknesses of black-
and as it pierced
the heavy ceiling of the soil-
and lauched itself
up into outer space -

--Marcie Hans


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